Teresa's Top Tips

Tips and Tricks

Program by stealth

“I’ve told all the computing teachers to introduce the platform without using the words ‘coding’ or ‘programming’, I see it as ‘programming by stealth’”. Teresa talks us through how she uses videos on youtube of robots farming and other curriculum linked items to set the context before inviting students to sharpen their problem-solving skills on Turinglab. This has helped to minimise the negative connotations students may have already formed in their minds about coding, and sets them up for success when they start programming with Turinglab.

Use the jumping off points

Students may be learning to code, but the game-like worlds they program provide ample opportunities to talk about other issues in the curriculum such as ethics, legislation and the environment. This isn’t just great for covering the material, but provides a nice way to break up lessons.

Record a learning log

The summary screens in Turinglab provide an opportunity for the students to reflect on what they have learned. Try taking this further by asking students to complete a learning log at the end of each topic by asking the following questions: “What did you find challenging”, “What is something you are proud of” and “What is something that you learned”. This both reinforces learning, but also boosts student confidence.

‘Programmers’ is gender neutral

Because Hillview is an all-girls school, pupils are often welcomed in lessons with "Hello girls”. Because we are now all programmers we have been able to welcome students into learning with “Hello Programmers”, breaking down the male dominated perception of this industry and encouraging all students to consider this as a career choice.

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